Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Top 10: Reasons Why a Customer Will Yell At You

So, you think you’re a great cashier, huh? Always smiling, never failing to ask someone how their day is going, automatically packing the customer’s bags with the heavy stuff on the bottom, you even pointed them toward the best offers in the store. Then, in the middle of your speech about how being a cashier is wonderful because you get to interact with lovely people, it happens. “Wait. Wait...stop! What is that?! That’s not right!” WARNING: Transaction gone wrong.
Here are the top ten reasons why that customer is going to yell at you, no matter how sweet your dimples are.

10) They couldn’t find a parking place.
                You all know how shopping on the weekend is, especially for groceries. One of the most confusing things is when a customer gets extremely aggravated about not being able to find a parking space. They KNOW it’s going to be full, particularly in the afternoon, they come every week and witness this. You begin to wonder, after so much complaining, why don’t they just come at an earlier time? Or perhaps an evening during the week? There is no way this can be your fault, but you had better believe you’re going to hear about it while you’re scanning through their groceries.

9) There were no carts left.
                After doing the Indy 500 around the parking lot, looking for a space, the customer is no doubt writhing in anger just wanting to get the groceries and get the hell out of there. Of course, at this point in the afternoon, there are no more shopping carts left to be used. Why, you ask? Well that’s because every single person in your city is out shopping at this time. It is not your fault there are no carts, you’re not hiding them behind your till just to spite this one particular customer. You did not hear that they were coming and therefore could not reserve a cart for them, you should be truly sorry! This is all your fault!

8) They can’t find the items in the flyer
                Your store is very crowded and it’s too big, nobody can find a damn thing in it. How do you expect people to find anything if you hide it all? Typical complaint, to which you would probably respond with, “Oh, did you look in this aisle? It should be [insert exact location of product here].” And in return you would probably receive a glare and a shout of, “I looked there! I’ve been up and down every aisle and it’s not in any of them! I looked exactly where you just said and it’s not there.” Unfortunately the only way to deal with this customer is to take them and show them the product, at which point they either apologize or grumble that it’s in a stupid place. If you’re on cash, it’s too late, they’re going to let you know about the lack of employees to help them at your location and how it’s a stupid store that they hardly ever shop at. Just smile and nod sympathetically.

7) The clerk in the deli/seafood/bakery/produce department couldn’t (most likely, wouldn’t) help them
                Oh, fellow employees! How you love to hate them and love to hate them! This is one of those moments where you hate them. Why couldn’t they have just helped the customer, no matter how rude they may have been, why oh why did they have to slight them like this! Now you have to hear all about how the “people who work at this store are so lazy! Every time I come in here they’re just standing around and can’t help me! This is the worst customer service of all the stores I shop at!” So why do they come back? Because it’s where they shop, no matter what they want you to believe. If you point this customer towards customer service, they will protest that they’ve already spoken to the manager and nothing has been done. They look at you in disgust; you’re just another useless employee.

6) The old people are congregating in the aisles, preventing them from moving at lightning speed to their destination.
                No matter how big the store is, there always seems to be an unnaturally high concentration of elderly people in the aisles. Perhaps it’s because they’re slow moving, or maybe they like the comforting feeling of being surrounded by a crowd. Nobody understands why old people do what they do, not even you. Imagine an elderly person trying to reach an item on the top shelf; their cart is in the middle of the aisle, their cane is lying haphazardly on the floor and their knees are shaking from the effort. This sight is infuriating for people who just want to get their things and get out. No amount of old lady cuteness will detract from the anger building inside; by the time they’re in your line they’re ready to explode. Watch out kids, this one’s a ticking bomb.

5) They have young kids with them.
This is a common sight in the supermarket, a frazzled young mother with a child under the age of 5 and a baby. Picture the kid: hair sticking in all directions, maybe a candy stuck in it from previous adventures, their hands are all dirty and their clothing dishevelled. They’re probably singing and/or screaming about a toy they saw in the store. The baby is just crying. Not only is everyone in the entire store watching the scene before you, but they’re also commenting. This mother is in the spotlight and she does not like it. Whether she yells at you or not, she will be snappy and rude and you’ll just have to get over it. You’ll probably empathize but you’re not getting off free from this.

4) The customer before them has a long order.
                People don’t read signs. You’ll learn this very quickly as a cashier, everything from the debit/credit machine swipe to the “Do not place heavy items on the belt” signs, do not get read. You’ll learn this even more quickly if you know anything at all about express cashes. Oh yes, if you’re on the express till you’ll get people with way more than 10 items. If you’re not on the express till you’ll get people with only one item who complain about having to wait. If you point out the existence of express cashes for their convenience, don’t expect them to be polite about it or to ever remember. They’ll be back and they’ll be in your line.

3) “These lines are just ridiculous! You should have more cashiers on!”
                Yes, why don’t you pull out your list of phone numbers and muster up all the authority that you have and get on that! How silly of you to think that this would be enough cashiers on a day like today! If only you were the manager. This is killer. This customer is extremely angry, tapping their foot and looking at their watch (real or imaginary), they’re sighing as loudly as possible and they’re complaining to those in line around them. There’s no getting out of this one, you’re in for a good tongue lashing as soon as they lay eyes on you.

2) Something has scanned at the wrong price.
                Oh no, it’s happened. That yogurt that was supposed to be on sale for $3.49 has scanned in at $3.99. The customer will completely stop the order, search for the flyer, and point out a product for you to see the correct price and demand you change it. Of course, you’ll have to call for a price check first, since you can clearly see that the items are not the same but they’ll never believe you. The price check will hold up the line and soon they’ll all be huffing and puffing, but hey, this yogurt is $0.50 off. You’ll either have to explain that it’s not the right product (often the case) or you’ll have to concede that it is and have it changed for them, subjecting yourself to the gloating that follows.
                It gets really tricky if your store follows the ‘Scanning Code of Practice’ and they demand to get the item for free. Whoever decided that someone should get something for free based on a few cents price difference, is seriously not very brilliant. Not only is this customer now freaking out in your line but it is creating an entire generation of greedy shoppers (the entire basis of this blog, let’s not forget).

1) You looked at them wrong.
               This is it, you’re smiling and doing your thing and just chatting about how grocery shopping is so awesome and then all of a sudden the person in front of you is breathing fire down your throat. What happened?  You know those really awkward facial moments that the camera always seems to capture? Those horrible moments in time that live on forever because of that one picture? The picture that everyone looks at and laughs at and secretly wonders how they never noticed your terribly twisted features? Yeah, one of those moments just happened. That customer just looked at you and you ruined their day in that split second. “What’s your problem?” They snarl at you and you’re so caught off guard you just stammer and shrug. They stalk off, furious and offended that you could ever look at them like that and you’re left at your cash, confused and saddened. 


Food Clerk said...

Don't forget about the food stamp people. Food stampers will buy tons of shit that isn't food stamp eligible and then yell at you when their EBT card doesn't cover the whole order.

YourLocalCashier said...

Lolol, thankfully where I am we don't have food stamps but if we did I'm sure this would be in the top 5!