Monday, May 30, 2011

Dreams and Lessons

Why do you choose to work where you do?

     Perhaps you’re just a baby starting you’re very first job, eager to make some money so you can buy all the trendy brands and make an appearance at all your friends’ parties. Maybe you’re saving up for that shiny new car to impress the female variety of population, or the business partners you hope to make. Quite possibly you’re trying to pay off that student loan so you could make even more money. Most likely you’re just trying to pay bills and get by, spending a little extra here and there to make yourself feel and look better to the rest of us.

     A lot of us work jobs that we utterly despise to have all of these things.  IPod’s, televisions, cars, vacations, houses, gadgets that only the people who built them know their true use, alcohol and frivolous nights out trying to score a romp in your bed (top quality, no doubt). How many of us would be better off without these things? How many of us would actually be able to afford our living situation without running off to buy the next big thing? All of us.

How many of us actually want to live without these things? None of us.

     Would you go absolutely bonkers if you couldn’t catch the latest gossip or photos on Facebook? Would you weep uncontrollably without the ability to check your email or the breaking news on the web? Would you toss and turn at night, wishing you could have a car or a house as nice as the one your friend just bought? I think you would.

     To all of us mindless sheep out there, who work these terrible jobs for less money than should be acceptable I say, soldier on! Without your cranky dispositions and holier-than-thou mindsets, I would not be where I am today.
     Here I am, sitting comfortably in front of my shiny new laptop, writing about the experiences I share with you day-in and day-out. Our loving relationship has brought to me the opportunity to share with the world, the rest of those wandering mindless drones out there, just how valuable the workplace really is.
     It is a teacher, giving us lessons every uncomfortable shift that we work; sometimes we’ll take these lessons to heart and sometimes we’ll laugh in their face and move on, but no matter what we’ll always remember them.
     One lesson that I have learned is this: There is always someone out there who hates their job more than me and, no matter what job I am currently working, it is my fate that I will run into them and they will try to make my life miserable.  I have accepted my fate.
Perhaps you should too.

     Just accept that you’re going to have to keep that crappy job to pay for everything you’ll ever want and please just accept that you’re never going to have everything that you’ll ever want. But please, keep putting on that ugly uniform and taking out your hatred for it on everyone around you. Maybe one day, because of it, one of us will get where we want to be in life.

You’ll have your shiny new car and I’ll get to write about it when you run over my toes, squealing out of the parking lot.

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