Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oh, I don't think so!

Following my post about the Top 10 Reasons a Customer Will Yell At You I just wanted to share a little story about a customer who came into the store.

Here's a little word visual for you: There are two cashes and six self-checkouts available at this time, as it's quite early I guess they didn't think they'd need too many cashiers (and of course I don't need to mention the hour cuts the lovely store manager bestowed upon us). There was a line at the express checkout, for some reason people are terrified of the self-checkout - I guess that whole, "Please scan your first item and place it in the bag. Please place the item in the bag....please place the item in the bag...PLEASE PLACE THE ITEM IN THE BAG!!!" (At which point people usually freak out and run off, but that's a story for another day my friends) it's just not very appealing, but still. I mean there are SIX cashes you could be using that the attendant could be helping you and you'd be out of the store faster. Anyway.

There's a lady, a young lady, around twenty-five years old I guess. She's just screaming and freaking out in line; remember that whole part in the Top 10 about people screaming about why are there not enough cashiers? Yeah. "This is ridiculous!! I didn't come here to stand in such a long line!! Why are there only two cashes open?!" So, the self-checkout attendant offers to help her go through there so it would be faster for her. Well, no, that would be ridiculous I guess, because she screams, "I'm not going through one of those things!! It's a cashier's job and I am NOT doing it by myself!!!"


This is getting long, so basically she just goes through the cash SCREAMING at the cashier, and would you believe that a  man who didn't even know her just joined in screaming?! The cashier started to cry. A supervisor had to come off the only other cash open and tell this woman to get out of line and go pay somewhere else because she's holding up the line even more and she's being rude. So she went to customer service and screamed at that girl too.

Now, I'm a supervisor also and I understand my job is to help people and solve their grocery problems but had I not been busy with something else this story would have a different ending. The whole you're a rude person, you should be ashamed, get out of the store thing would have been thrown in her face followed by a nice swift kick in the bum crack, if you know what I mean.

The weirdest part is, I don't think she thinks she was being rude. I think she left the store and complained to everyone all day about what a terrible store it is, with awful customer service. I mean...just try and wrap your head around that and I bet you can't. I sure haven't been able to.

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