Friday, June 17, 2011

Old Ladies

So I was really busy and then my internet broke, but here I am with a story of yet another older person acting like a baby.

It all started with potatoes, yes, potatoes. For those of you who don't know, there is a produce code for each yellow, white and red potatoes...I'm sure you could have guessed that though. This lady was using the self-checkout, she was old but not so old that I felt bad for her. I was helping her do her produce and I put in the code for her white potatoes and she's like, "Well that's not the right code!" And I was like, "Yup it is, there's only one code for each colour of potatoes and on the screen it says 'potatoes white' so it is." "No! You're trying to screw me over!" She yells. So now I know where this is going. I shook my head, frowning, "I'm not sure how you think that but that's the right code. It's my job to know the codes so I wouldn't screw you over."

"Oh don't give me that shit! You people don't know how to do anything, I can't even believe the types of people who work in these places!"

So I walked away. Obviously, why would I stand there and put up with that when she's clearly just being a rude idiot now. She yells at me to call the manager, so I do and he asks me what's going on before he comes down. All I hear beside me from this woman is, "Oh yeah you tell him everything. I bet you're telling him your whole life story aren't you? I bet he really cares. You don't even belong here, you should be out back with the rest of the garbage." I hang up and turn to her.

"Please get away from me and my work area. If anyone does not belong here it's you. You're rude and you're acting like a child."

Anyway, the manager ended up coming down and telling her not to swear at me while she called me a know-it-all and rude and ignorant and how I told her to get out of the store. Manager defended me, told her it's good I'm a know-it-all because it's my job and to not talk to me while she leaves the store.

Most of my customers from hell are middle-aged and older...shouldn't they know better? Just because they've got a wrinkle or a few doesn't mean they've earned the right to treat everyone else like crap.


Food Clerk said...

Indeed, old ladies can be the bitchiest customers at a grocery store. Sadly, Safeway really won't let me stand up for myself. The bitches would fire me.

Cashier said...

I mostly get the middle-aged customers that think they've earned the right to abuse me. The old ones get fired up sometimes but I can usually calm them down.

YourLocalCashier said...

The middle-aged customers are the WORST lol. Old people give me ridiculous problems like this sometimes that I just have to share; but I have to agree it's the middle-aged ones acting like they're entitled that really piss me off :p