Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Royal Summer

I hate working in the summer. Summer lasts for about 2.5 months where I am and then the rest of the year may as well be winter; so it's no surprise that I'd rather not be inside while everyone else is outside. Almost everyone, that is.

People still buy groceries, of course, and they're usually in a rush to get stuff for their cottage or they're very cranky from the heat...or both. Thursdays and Fridays are very busy and then there's still everyone who didn't go to their cottage or camping who comes on the weekend. I mean, the store is usually busy anyway but I'm just bitter when I look outside and see the sun shining and people come in and make comments about it.

On another note, in a couple days William and Kate are coming here...this wouldn't be interesting to me if a certain someone didn't share a name with the beloved Duchess. I'm sure you can guess the number of comments I receive daily about this and the question of whether I'm going to see them or not. I'm not. Good luck even getting close, I say to those who try.


Cashier said...

I hate summertime because all the crappy teenagers are out of school, bored and have nothing to do but walk up to my store and try to steal.

YourLocalCashier said...

I love the 'try' part, teenagers are so silly thinking they can get away with it.

Old people are the ones who steal from my store most frequently, interestingly enough.